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5-Phase Acupuncture

Balancing System

Experience the Benefits of

Traditional East Asian Medicine with

5-Phase Acupuncture Therapy Using Sonic Therapeutics™

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What is 5-Phase Hara Diagnosis Acupuncture Balancing?

Five Phase Acupuncture is a form of East Asian Medicine that focuses on the 5 Elements of nature and their corresponding organ systems. These phases (or elements) are water, wood, fire, earth, and metal. For thousands of years this Asian Medicine system has demonstrated that imbalances in these elements in the body can cause physical, emotional, and mental health problems.

Normally during a treatment, specific acupuncture points on the body are used to stimulate the flow of qi, or life force energy. By stimulating these points, the treatment aims to restore balance to the body's energy system and promote healing of the mind and body.

In this unique system, Geoff will SHOW YOU how to assess the different areas on your abdomen that need attention and rebalancing. The goal is to identify any imbalances in the 5 phases, and to listen to the SINGLE audio that is MOST out of balance, and FEEL it address those imbalances IN ONLY 10-60 MINUTES! You will actually feel your abdomen change as the treatment "assimilates" into the body's energy system, and then the physical tissue of your abdomen. We will show you how to do this simple process inside the program.

Here is a brief overview of the 5 phases and their corresponding organ systems:

1. Water: The water element is associated with the kidneys and bladder. It is also associated with the emotion of fear. Imbalances in the water element can lead to issues with the urinary system, reproductive system, bones, low back, and adrenal glands, as well as feelings of anxiety and insecurity.

2. Wood: The wood element is associated with the liver and gallbladder. It is also associated with the emotion of anger. Imbalances in the wood element can lead to issues with the digestive system, menstrual cycle, and immune system, as well as feelings of frustration and irritability.

3. Fire: The fire element is associated with the heart and small intestine. It is also associated with the emotion of joy. Imbalances in the fire element can lead to issues with the cardiovascular system, as well as feelings of anxiety and restlessness.

4. Earth: The earth element is associated with the spleen and stomach. It is also associated with the emotion of worry. Imbalances in the earth element can lead to issues with the digestive system, as well as feelings of overthinking and excessive concern.

5. Metal: The metal element is associated with the lungs and large intestine. It is also associated with the emotion of grief. Imbalances in the metal element can lead to issues with the respiratory system, skin, and immune system, as well as feelings of sadness and detachment.

We will show you how to simply identify any imbalances in your elemental constitution on your abdomen, then you will listen to that Sonic Therapeutics™ audio file that is customized to you to address those imbalances. For example, if you have an imbalance in the Wood element area on the abdomen, the focus will be on balancing the Wood Element, that relates to the liver and gallbladder meridians and organs.

Overall, 5 Phase Acupuncture is a holistic approach to healing that takes into account the patient's physical, emotional, and mental well-being. By addressing imbalances in the five elements and promoting the free flow of qi, patients experience improved health, vitality, and overall quality of life.

"You have to EXPERIENCE it to believe it."

Common Questions

How does sound effect my body and mind on a cellular level?

At the atomic and cellular level, the body is made up of energy. Every molecule, atom, and subatomic particle in the body is in constant motion, creating vibrations and energy fields. This energy is known as electromagnetic energy or bioelectricity, which is the basis for the body's electrical system. This system was well understood for thousands of years by practitioners of Asian medicine.
At the cellular level, energy is used to power various biological processes such as metabolism, cell division, and protein synthesis. The mitochondria, often referred to as the powerhouse of the cell, produce energy in the form of ATP (adenosine triphosphate), which is used as fuel for the body's metabolic processes.
At the atomic level, the electrons orbiting the nucleus of an atom are in constant motion, creating electromagnetic energy. The properties of these electrons determine the chemical and physical properties of the atoms they belong to. This is how different elements combine to form molecules that make up the body.
The body as a whole can also be seen as a vibrational being, with each organ and system vibrating at a different frequency. This is known as the body's biofield or aura, and it can be measured with scientific instruments such as electroencephalograms (EEGs) and electrocardiograms (ECGs). When the body is healthy, these frequencies are in harmony, but when there is illness or disease, there is a disruption in the body's energy flow.
According to Asian medicine, the mind and emotions can affect the body's state of wellbeing. In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), emotions are seen as an integral part of the body-mind-spirit complex, and each emotion is associated with a specific organ system. For example, anger is associated with the liver, joy with the heart, worry with the spleen, grief with the lungs, and fear with the kidneys.
When emotions are not expressed or are expressed excessively, they can lead to imbalances in the corresponding organ system and disrupt the flow of qi (energy) in the body. For example, excessive worry can weaken the spleen, leading to digestive issues such as bloating, gas, and diarrhea.
In Asian medicine, there are various approaches to balancing the body's energy and promoting wellbeing. Acupuncture, herbal medicine, and dietary therapy are some of the most commonly used approaches.
Acupuncture is based on the concept of meridians, or channels of energy that flow through the body. By stimulating specific points on these meridians, acupuncturists aim to restore balance to the body's energy flow and promote healing.
In conclusion, the body is made up of energy on both a cellular and atomic level, and the mind and emotions can affect the body's state of wellbeing. In Asian medicine, approaches such as acupuncture which balances the Qi, can be used to balance the body's energy and promote overall health and wellness.

Explain how sound is vibrational information that effects cellular function?

Sound is a form of vibrational energy that can have a profound effect on cellular function. Every cell in the body has a unique vibrational frequency, and when exposed to certain frequencies of sound, these cells can be stimulated or entrained to resonate at the same frequency. This can lead to changes in cellular function, such as increased energy production, improved circulation, and enhanced immune function. Sound therapy, which involves the use of specific frequencies of sound to promote healing, has been used for thousands of years in various forms, from chanting and singing bowls to modern techniques such as binaural beats and frequency-specific microcurrent. The use of sound in healing is based on the principle of resonance, which suggests that when two objects with the same frequency are brought into close proximity, they will begin to vibrate together in harmony. We have created a technology that can balance the individual elements when listened to. Our audios are embedded in the sound of ocean waves on the beach and have non-audible “vibrational information” embedded into them that targets each element separately.

What is Asian Medicine’s philosophy of the microsystem of the body and how that is related to the macrocosm of the universe?

Asian Medicine philosophy sees the microcosm of the human body and the macrocosm of the universe as interconnected and reflecting each other. The Asian Medicine view is that the human body is a microcosm of the universe, and that the same principles that govern the universe also govern the human body. Asian Medicine philosophy sees the universe as an interconnected web of energy, and the human body is seen as a reflection of this universal energy. This philosophy is based on the concept of Qi, or vital energy, which flows through the body's energy channels, or meridians. Asian Medicine practitioners believe that by cultivating this energy and harmonizing it with the natural rhythms of the universe, one can achieve optimal health and spiritual growth. By understanding and aligning oneself with the microsystem of the body and the microsystem of the universe, Asian Medicine philosophy seeks to promote balance and harmony within and without.

What is Asian medicine Hara diagnosis?

Hara diagnosis is a technique used in Asian Medicine to assess the state of a person's health by examining the abdominal region, or hara, which is considered to be the center of the body's energy. Practitioners use their hands to palpate the hara, feeling for any abnormalities, tension, or imbalances in the area. The hara is believed to contain important information about the person's physical, emotional, and spiritual health, as well as their current state of balance or imbalance.
Through hara diagnosis, practitioners can identify the underlying causes of a person's health issues and develop a customized treatment plan to address them. For example, if the hara is found to be tense or painful in a certain area, it may indicate an energy blockage or organ imbalance in that region of the body. By addressing the root cause of the issue, practitioners can help restore balance and promote healing.
Hara diagnosis is also used as a tool for preventative medicine, as practitioners can detect imbalances in the hara before they manifest as physical symptoms. This allows for early intervention and treatment, which can prevent more serious health problems from developing. Overall, hara diagnosis is an important diagnostic tool in Asian Medicine that can provide valuable insight into a person's health and wellbeing.

The spiritual and emotional aspects of the 5 Phases in Asian Medicine.

In Asian Medicine, the Five Elements not only correspond to certain organs and physical attributes, but they also have spiritual and emotional aspects that can affect a person's health and wellbeing.
1. Water Element: The Water Element is associated with the emotion of fear and the spiritual aspect of willpower. If the Water Element is imbalanced, it can manifest as fear and anxiety, lack of motivation, and a sense of being stuck or stagnant in life.
2. Wood Element: The Wood Element is associated with the emotion of anger and the spiritual aspect of growth and expansion. If the Wood Element is imbalanced, it can manifest as anger and frustration, difficulty with decision-making and planning, and a feeling of being stuck or limited in one's life goals.
3. Fire Element: The Fire Element is associated with the emotion of joy and the spiritual aspect of the spirit or Shen. If the Fire Element is imbalanced, it can manifest as emotional instability, lack of joy or enthusiasm, and a disconnection from one's spiritual self.
4. Earth Element: The Earth Element is associated with the emotion of worry and the spiritual aspect of the mind or Yi. If the Earth Element is imbalanced, it can manifest as excessive worry or rumination, digestive issues, and a feeling of being ungrounded or disconnected from one's purpose.
5. Metal Element: The Metal Element is associated with the emotion of grief and the spiritual aspect of the soul or Po. If the Metal Element is imbalanced, it can manifest as sadness or grief, respiratory issues, and a feeling of disconnection from oneself or others.
By understanding the spiritual and emotional aspects of the Five Elements, practitioners can help their patients address imbalances at a deeper level. Treatments may include acupuncture, herbal medicine, dietary changes, and lifestyle modifications to promote balance and harmony in both the physical and spiritual aspects of a person's life. Through this holistic approach, patients can achieve optimal health and wellbeing in all aspects of their being.

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